About Doug:
Doug has two Bachelor degrees. One in Biology and one in Science Education. He is now retired to the farm after 28 years in the classroom. He loves the outdoors and finds being outdoors healthy and uplifting. It can be doing chores, paddling a kayak, evaluating a pasture, or reading in the treehouse in Pasture #1. He also enjoys solving problems and designing things. "I was able, with lots of advice, to design our fence and water system from the ground up." Doug is a firefighter/first responder with Jamestown Fire Department. He is on the board and writes grants on behalf of the department. Brenda is his wife of 35 years and partner in these adventures. They have two daughters who graduated from MU in Columbia. One is an RN with a Masters in Public Health. The other works for USGS, and just completed her masters at Duke in Environmental Conservation. She was able to do research with the wild horses on Shackleford Island.
About Brenda:
Brenda has a Bachelors in Math Education and a Masters in School Guidance Counseling. She taught 7-12 math for several years before caring for their daughters at home until they were both in school. She subsequently went back to education as a K-12 guidance counselor. She built master schedules, did district test coordination for mandated testing, directed students to scholarships, and guided students in career exploration ---- just to name a few! "Teaching was a good career for our family." ,she says, " We got to be together more than we would have otherwise." Snow days were an especially exciting event. They would all run barefoot through the snow to celebrate. In 2016 she helped plan their eldest daughter's wedding. It took place right on the farm in paddock 1! Brenda recently retired from education and is currently on the farm full time.
About Radar:
Radar? Radar is the family dog whose most appreciated contribution is protecting the free-range chickens from predators. Radar loves to chase off racoons, catch mice, chase foxes, and play tag with coyotes. He has occasionally climbed a tree in pursit of a squirrel. Ironically he is afraid of chickens and gets chased by them occasionally. He once swam about a quarter mile through the river bottoms in pursuit of our boat. He greets everyone who comes to the farm enthusiastically. Few people forget Radar.